Why?: "we have standardized our publishing"

What is the purpose of this? This makes no sense to me and takes ten times longer to make a simple edit to a site. Even worse if all you did was make a simple change to a server action.

If you want it as it was before, just set the target to be ‘development’ and it will behave as you’re used to.


So, the only differences between the three target settings is when it saves?

I think so.

Well, ask people like @TomD who says he’s scared to save or publish :slight_smile:
Set your target to development and it will auto upload on save.

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So, again, is that the only functionality difference between the three target settings? For now and in the future?

That’s just a dead setting that really doesn’t do anything other than save or not as of 3.7.3?

If it’s just a dead setting that does nothing else I will change to development.


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It’s just one of those little things we like to call “good practice”
The day will come when you regret deploying on save :slight_smile:



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Thanks guys. I now understand the reasoning. I will leave my target set to Production and adjust my workflow. At least I know that when just making simple changes I can adjust it. All good.


Not exactly :slightly_smiling_face:. I’m not scared to ‘save or publish’. I’m scared to ‘save and publish’ - at the same time, particularly when I just intended to save :scream:.

It was too easy to do before - you just pressed Ctrl+S, but failed to notice you have left the target to ‘production’.


@Dave too! Those auto upload days did my tiny little head in! :blush:


I was just joking guys :slight_smile:
I agree with you both.


I’m still waiting for the “are you sure you want to exit Wappler” and “are you sure you want to Minimize Wappler” popups… :wink:


@max_gb Ouch hahahahahaha. Spat coffee out! :smiley:

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Tbf I did vote for the save/upload request. Just being salty

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