What is this Stripe error?

I built and deployed my app to production servers and all my Stripe web hooks work fine. However, I need to go back in and make changes. I have changed all my Stripe keys to test keys and get this every time I try a test the web hook. What is this error and how do I fix it?

What “positional argument” is Wappler trying to pass to Stripe?

Server connect options where you enter your stripe key, are saved per target, so you don’t have to change them manually each time.

You just switch target, enter the right keys for that target and save. Then afterwards when you switch targets the right ones will become active.

So that might be the root cause of your problem.

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Thank you for the clarification. You are correct, I was doing that wrong. Additional question. When you say the keys are saved per target, is that only in globals? Or does that also apply to other places where my keys appear (ie Stripe Element and API Connector actions)

Also, all of my keys are now the test keys and I am still getting the error.

@George is there any way to reset this? or am I just screwed?

@George Stripe has now stopped working on my production target now as well. All my keys are correct. May I please have some guidance on how to fix this?

What do you mean exactly by stopped working?

The first error in this topic was just an error running the local stripe development test server.

What error do you got?

Cards stopped tokenizing and won’t register with test mode or live mode in Stripe. This is on both my prod and dev targets. I am now getting this undescript error on the Stripe component and Card element. Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 7.16.56 AM

My entire app is down now and I scrambling to get it back online. I also went back to an old version I had before I was getting the web hook error in the terminal, and I am still getting the same problems.

Well this is not an error but just an indication that you are using some old and deprecated Stripe elements.

You should consider updating to the latest stripe elements and flows.

/It did just up and stop working without me changing it (confirmed by testing on a previous version that did work)

I have been trying to update to the latest Stripe elements. Please see my post regarding that here:

'You should consider updating to the latest stripe elements and flows."

How? There’s no docs available for these new elements and flows.