Hi All
For those who have expressed an interest in webinars I have put together a suggested “roadmap” for the first 6 Webinars (assuming they are successful)
These are not set in stone and I am open to suggestions.
Also I do not at this time know how long these will take so there could be some movement in the breaks between webinars
Initially I will be targeting basic principals as I am hopeful that this will help a broad section of current and new users and maybe reduce the number of tech support questions posed on the forum. For that reason I will be focusing on techniques rather than specifics
I am receptive to doing the odd “special” where a need arises however please realise I don’t know everything about Wappler so I will be keeping to those areas I believe I have strengths.
For example I come from a database background but have only ever made 1 mobile app in my life and that was very basic one via Intel XDK as part of app development course i did (what a waste of money that was)
But my skill base is expanding daily so I hope to have my mobile app skills polished in a month or two.
So here is the proposed 6 week roadmap.
The theme will be based on my video 15 minuter SCRUD - A simple Contacts database and we will throughout the webinars develop that into a full blown mobile contact app
Webinar 1
Website setup, paths, FTP and project targets
Database creation and connection setup
Making Server Connections
Managing your tables with phpMyAdmin web platform
Creating your first page
Adding Frameworks
Page Names and Meta Tags
Webinar 2
Listing Table Records
Linking child forms to a parent list
Server Action Result Notifications, Success or Error
Using “Click” Dynamic Actions
Using Dynamic Modals
Techniques to hide/show a containers and buttons
Using button ‘spinners’
Webinar 3
Security - protecting your data
Security Types Single/ Static / database
Login/ Logout and security restrictions in app connect and server connect
Password update and lost password recovery (inc. mail component)
Webinar 4
Making it multi user, binding data to specific users
Relationships - Using multiple tables to allow repeating elements
Allowing multiple repeating entities such as telephone numbers
Webinar 5
Adding images to contacts
Uploading images
Resizing images
Adding image effects
Inserting image data into a related database table
Displaying uploaded images
Using Swiper, slideshows, masonry,lightbox and dynamic image paths
Webinar 6
Turning your web app into a mobile app