Wappler Getting Started Course

Good for you bud. You should really plan on expanding on this with many more lessons, and maybe work out a system where others can teach something with the same quality. I’ll probably buy a year to help support your effort. Wappler needs it and I think this will be great for people.

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That’s very cool of you Chad. Support like this from you and many others is why I am happy to update the lessons with the new 3.5 features. Several already posted, and just a few more to go.

Then, it is on to a series of Use Cases!


Is the payment system complete yet? I would like to buy a year’s subscription. I logged on as an existing user. Clicking the price button just takes me to apage where I can resume the course.

Great tutorials - looking forward to the updates.

Hey @TomD…Everything is actually fine with the pay wall, it’s just that you got in early, so you already have access to this course forever.

That’s very kind. Perhaps you should have a donation option :slightly_smiling_face:

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Holding off on that for now–I really like the pay for value model. I also appreciate the early support the community provided, so want to provide something in return.

But don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunities to support further through purchase of future courses.


Hmmm, is this full access for a year? Or is that per month for a year?

If that’s all it is for a full year I will probably join just to support the efforts. :beers:


Price is a one time fee for access for one year of the Getting Started Course only. In other words, there will be new courses, each with its own fee. There is currently no subscription options, but that could make sense once I can prove a history of adding content consistently.

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Proudly member :wink:


Hey @mebeingken I signed up and want to support your endeavors with an annual subscription but noticed that once you signup for the preview access you can only purchase the month option. Is there a way you can add the ability to purchase the annual once you are signed up.

Maybe I am missing something?

Add it in and I will purchase the annual option :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



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Hadn’t run across that one yet…but you’re obviously right, it doesn’t give you any option on pricing.

I’m going to un-enroll you from the course, then you can go back and purchase.

Appreciate the support Steven!

Please un-enroll me too, so that I sign up for 1 yr. Thanks

All signed up! Keep up the great work.

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You all are awesome! Thanks again Steven and Bankole.

Next Course is coming together now that the new Globals is tightening up:

Tentatively set as a focus on functionality around user registration:

User registration
Server validation
Hashing passwords
Password reset
Facebook login
Google login
Retrieving a users social profile pic
Redirect after login
Google Analytics using tag manager
New user tour

And it uses all the new 3.5 globals functionality.

Most of these topics were pulled from user requests, so if you have something that relates to getting users registered and logged in, let me know!


@mebeingken some of things which are always coming up, you may have already covered.

  • Proper use of Captcha options

  • Link confirmation hash expiration period - requires user initiated re-sending confirmation link (hash renewal) after expiration period.

  • Account already exists under the email

  • Not sure this is one for this course, but being able to register a user on their behalf and send out a automatically created temporary password, which requires first time password change.




Nice. Two have been covered, two are new…I’ll add them in!


fyi for anybody else hitting this…if you go back to the main page by clicking on the Unique Ideas logo, you can then purchase using any of the pricing options…Unfortunately I can’t change the “Buy Now” functionality–it is limited to the primary price.

@mebeingken Looking forward to the next course! Do you have a tentative release date?

Hopefully these will be included.

  • Email flood protection against password reset.
  • Logging such as log in failed attempts, password resets, password changes, etc.


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Hey @Quy…I’m hoping it will be ready within a couple weeks, but that’s more of a hope, rather than a tentative release date. :wink:

I’ll take a look and see how I can incorporate your ideas! Thanks for sharing.