Wappler 7 Beta 13: Dynamic Value not recognized in Summernote Inputs

Wappler Version : 7.0.0 Beta 13
Operating System : MacOS
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Wappler PHP

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

You should be able to add a value dynamic attribute to a summernote text area input.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

Value is not an option in Dynamic Attributes.

How to reproduce

Create a Summernote textarea input and try binding a dynamic attribute --> Value to it. Value is not an available option.

Edit: You can add the attribute to the text area before converting to Summernote but it is not recognized on submit if field is required. Yet you can cut and paste the text back in and it will submit.

In case you need it, here is the code for the input.

<div class="form-group mb-1">
 <label for="updateContent" class="form-label">Blog Content</label>
 <textarea id="updateContent" class="form-control border-warning" name="updateContent" required="" dmx-bind:value="data_detailUpdate.data.articleContent" is="dmx-summernote" dmx-bind:toolbar="[['font',['bold','underline','clear']],['para',['ul','ol','paragraph']],['view',['codeview']]]"></textarea>

OK, Value is available as a Dynamic Attribute. It's under a Summernote section.

How ever the issue in the video still stands.

If the input is required it won't validate. If there is no validation it submits an empty value. In order to get the form to submit properly you must edit something in the textarea.

Edit: this is on an update/edit form.

I can supply the Wappler team with a login and steps to test in personal message to see first hand what it is doing.

This one really has me stumped.

Here is a demo I built of the bug ...


You will see that if you just hit submit in the form it will not validate. You must make a change in the text in order for the form to submit. If I take off the validation it submits an empty input.

@George @Teodor @patrick

Sorry Brad, what exactly we should do on this link to trigger the issue?

Just select a record to update and hit the submit button on the form without editing anything and it won't validate (like it's empty). If you make an edit then it will submit.

Could you check if the following update helps

dmxSummernote.zip (7.6 KB)

1 Like

Yep, that fixed it it seems. Thank you! :beers:

Fixed in Wappler 7 beta 14

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