Wappler 6.0.1 Released

Wappler 6.0.1 Released

Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 6.0.1 from your Account Dashboard

Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

In Wappler 6.0.1 we have fixed all the issues reported in the community and greatly improved the stability and performance of Wappler.

The docker publishing and also server creation is now greatly improved and also the database manager is now more reliable and faster.

Also the App Connect 2 compatibility is now greatly improved as we are getting closer to the final release of App Connect 2.

This week two major components are updated to App Connect 2, the App Connect Notifications and Lightbox.
Also their documentation is updated, see:

Note: those are available on the Beta Extensions channel only.

Resource Manager

  • Improved display of local services status when docker is not running
  • Improve loading of database users intially
  • No longer use the Let’s Encrypt staging server

Database Manager

  • Improved creation of database templates on Postgress databases
  • Speed up database operations loading speed
  • Add option to “Manage Tempkates Folder” in the context menu, so you can manage your custom user database templates, which are now stored as sub folders of the main database templates user folder.

Database Query Builder and Updater

  • Speed up loading UI


  • Improve the Wappler file watcher service to use more native watching services depeding of the operating system
  • More IO operations loading speed improvements
  • Improved main window close reliability and speed
  • Tab tooltip didn’t show full path

Design View Html editors

  • Improved closing and cleanup of html editors
  • Improved html closing tag completion

Docker Development

  • Improve reliability of local docker deploys, avoid rare double starts resulting in port already in use

Visual Workflow Editors

  • Improved cleanup and speed

Pages Manager

  • Improved listing properties of layouts, even when there are none

Image Resizer

  • Improved Wappler build-in image resize used with the Slideshow component

Extensions List

  • Cleanup logging and optimize speed

App Connect Notification 2.0 Beta 1

  • major update for App Connect 2
  • New positioning, added center and rtl support
  • Big css update, now uses flex layout
  • Improved design of the notifies
  • newest-on-top options is removed
  • Animation duration defaults changed from 1000 to 400
  • Default close animation
  • Added aria attributes for better accessability
  • If closable is false and no timeout is set it will default to 5 seconds

App Connect Lightbox 2.0 beta 1

  • Implemented full compatibility with App Connect 2

Fixed issues