But wait there is more!
Wappler 6.0.0 Beta 8
We have some new Capacitor fixes as well great improvements for new PHP based projects.
Also we have updated all App Connect 2 beta extensions to fully include source maps for all components, so you can now debug your App Connect 2 projects with ease.
Mobile Development
- Improved creation of new Capacitor based Mobile projects, to be default at Capacitor 5 and also do quicker initial installation.
PHP Projects
- Set default new PHP projects to use www as web root folder
- Add support for Docker deployments with different web root
- Improved also the Wappler Local PHP Server to run under web root folders if specified
- Set default to use composer on new PHP Projects
- Set default PHP Version to 8.2 on new Docker projects using PHP
- Improved local Development Docker deployments for projects with web root specified
App Connect 2.0 beta 14
- Fixed issue with fetch/api action when no headers option is set
- Only run autorun once
- Show flow load errors in console
Server Connect 3.0.2
- Fixed a PHP only issues when using parseJSON in server actions
Update Extensions for App Connect 2 beta
- Animate CSS, Autocomplete, Background Video, Bootstrap 4 Collapse and Modals, Bootbox 4 and 5, Bootstrap 4 Toasts
- App Connect Flow, Browser Info, Data Store, Data Traversal, Data Formatters, Masonry, PouchDB, Preloader, Routing, Sockets, State management,
- Tagify, Date Picker