Wappler 6.0.0 Beta 2 Released

Wappler 6.0.0 Beta 2 Released

Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 6.0.0 Beta 2 from your Account Dashboard
Latest stable version is also available there.

Note: Wappler Beta runs as a separate app, so you can have both stable and beta installed, but please run them one at the time.

What's New

In Wappler 6.0 Beta 2 we have some more improvement and fixes as reported by the community from the previous beta 1.

We have improved the deployment of the new CouchDB services and specially setting up the CORS options automatically.

Furthermore the generation of the new local development certificates has been improved to auto generate SSL certificates for you local services with the great mkcert utility and local Traefik.

And last but not least we have also more App Connect 2 extensions beta updates that will be also available as beta extensions for the regular Wappler stable version.

We strongly encourage you to test App Connect 2.0 beta well with your projects, and report all issues, so we can fix them on time before the release and you won’t end up with surprises on the final release of App Connect 2

Stay tuned for the next beta for more exciting developments!

Resource Manager

  • Improved the initial setup of CouchDB databases and setting CORS. Now after deploy Wappler waits till the CouchDB service is fully operational before setting cors options.
  • Added more progress toast when getting and setting CORS options for CouchDB databases
  • Use the remove orphans option only when publishing all docker services as it is invalid for a single service
  • Show the option for Web URL when installing Traefik and the install Dashboard is checked, so the user can provide a custom domain for the dashboard
  • Improved refreshing of local services when new ones are added

App Connect 2.0 Beta 10

  • Set innerText instead of textContent (they behave different with formatted text and in previous App Connect we also used innerText)
  • Added credentials to fetch flow action

App Connect Autocomplete 2 beta 4

  • Do not show list when empty

App Connect Date Picker 3.0 Beta 2

  • Fixed changed event in datePicker
  • Extra cleanup on destroy
  • Fixed default formatting
  • Multiple fixes for datepicker component (beta)

Fixed issues