Wappler 5.6.1: can't add new cloud provider in Resource Manager

Wappler 5.6.1 - Windows
I confirm that is not possible to create a new Hetzner Provider.
API works because the ssh key is created into hetzner console.
“Add Provider” keep like this, doesn’t show any logs.

Please restart Wappler with logging, reproduce the problem and attach the debug log. See:

I already, but like I said there are not any logs that allow to track the issue.
This is what Wappler logs show:

[2023-05-16 13:18:42.801] connect to provider 
[2023-05-16 13:18:45.012] type => ed25519
[2023-05-16 13:18:45.013] size => 256 bits
[2023-05-16 13:18:45.013] comment => newKey_remove.pub
[2023-05-16 13:18:45.013] old-style fingerprint => f2:6d:75:b9:be:b7:f4:36:20:c8:b9:82:ce:55:a9:06

No more data.

And after pressing connect and closing the popup, the new provider is not visible? What if you hit refresh from the panel toolbar?

[2023-05-16 15:25:47.262] connect to provider 
[2023-05-16 15:25:49.212] type => ed25519
[2023-05-16 15:25:49.212] size => 256 bits
[2023-05-16 15:25:49.213] comment => newKey_remove.pub
[2023-05-16 15:25:49.214] old-style fingerprint => f2:6d:75:b9:be:b7:f4:36:20:c8:b9:82:ce:55:a9:06
[2023-05-16 15:25:50.980] do terminal destroy... providerTerm
[2023-05-16 15:25:51.853] START refreshProps
[2023-05-16 15:25:51.853] do empty
[2023-05-16 15:25:51.853] START WEB refreshToolbar
[2023-05-16 15:25:52.594] START refreshProps
[2023-05-16 15:25:52.594] do empty
[2023-05-16 15:25:52.594] START WEB refreshToolbar
[2023-05-16 15:25:52.775] START refreshProps
[2023-05-16 15:25:52.775] do empty

Nothing, the same.

Found the problem. Was indeed a bug in the last update. Will be fixed with the update tomorrow.

Fixed in Wappler 5.6.2