Wappler 5.0.0 Beta 8 Released

Wappler 5.0.0 Beta 8 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/beta/

Latest stable 4.9.1 is still available
You can use both at the same time

What’s New

In this beta we have further improved and implemented the new Resource Manager. Now you can fully manage the global docker services per provider server.
Also we have improved the import of previous docker machines servers.

Further more we have also improved the Wappler terminal and SSH connectivity.

Resource Manager

  • Manage the docker services per Provider Server
  • Add new services like Traefik or Portainer
  • Deploy and manage the services from the special service toolbar
  • Update context menu to show the available services and also delete or refresh options where possible
  • Improved creation/import dialog to show better progress and responsiveness. Solved rare freeze occurrence.
  • Added detection for IP Address reused on Servers on some Cloud providers and support it
  • Greatly improved SSH connectivity with Docker
  • Improved create new server listing for Digital Ocean to be more informative and with the new DO prices
  • Improved import of existing docker machines, Now copy the existing docker compose file for the services and also auto authorized the current user to access the server

Wappler Login

  • Greatly improved Wappler login and license checks

Database Connector

  • Improved subtables support in PHP, specially with conditions and pages queries

S3 Connector

  • Fixed the custom region validation

Wappler terminal

  • Improved handling of ctrl+c to interrupt running commands

Fixed issues