Wappler 4 beta: Popups sometimes do not open on click

Wappler Version : 4 Beta 9
Operating System : Mac OS 11.4
Server Model: Node
Database Type: Mongo
Hosting Type: Local

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

When clicking on the Edit Flow button the flow editor needs to open.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?
Wappler only allows you to open the flow editor once after launch, there after it stops working and I have to restart wappler to get it to work. See video attached.

Rolled back to Beta 8 and the same error is there.

Tried ind 3.9.9 and it works as expected.

This seems to be related to the flow generated code, not really to the beta.

Could you inspect the different in the generated flow code? Your page seems also to break in design view after the edits because it seems wrong code is generated.

This is my code (works fine in 3.9.9 and not in the Betas):

    wait: {delay: 300}
    run: {action: "{{procountpages.setValue(procountpages.value +1)}}"}
    wait: {delay: 300}
    runJS: {
      function: "eval",
      args: ["console.log('start')"]
    condition: {
      if: "{{procountpages.value < (totalpages.value + 1)}}",
      then: {
        steps: [
            runJS: {
              args: ["console.log('here')"],
              function: "eval"
            wait: {delay: 300}
            run: {action: "{{getpageslive.load({})}}"}
      else: {
        steps: {
          bootbox.alert: {message: "All records processed", title: "Alert"}

well it work fine for me in the upcoming beta, we did fix some refreshing problems in page flows after edit, so maybe this will be solved as well.

Ok I will use 3.9.9 untill the new beta is released.

FYI: Just created a new page and added a workflow and it won’t let you edit after creation.

Have you tried restarting Wappler from the system tray icon? I had an issue recently where one of the settings modals wouldn’t display and a quick restart solved it.

Yes. Once restarted, it opens the flow modal once. Then it stops.

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That’s a shame. I’ll leave it to you and George

Was going to start a new bug and then saw this one. Same issue in v4.0.0-beta.11. I can edit it once but when I go to open it again, nothing happens. I have a video of it but my current internet situation is terrible and it won’t upload.

This one was a hard one to find! It wasn’t really flows related but any center popup dialogs related.
Sometimes those could get stuck on closing and new ones won’t open.

So it will be solved in the next update


Thanks George

Solved now in Wappler 4 beta 13

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