Wappler 3.5.6 Released

Wappler 3.5.6 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/download/
Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

Great new addition to Server Connect this week - Scheduled Actions for NodeJS!
Now you can finally run a actions flow on a specific scheduled time! Very useful for periodically fetching external API data, doing mailings and other time based actions that need to run independently on your server. Learn how easy it is to Schedule Actions with NodeJS

We have also greatly improved the S3 Upload and download actions server side, to be streaming and don’t use any system resources at all!

Server Connect Schedule - NodeJS only

  • NEW: Added structure for Scheduled actions and Sockets!
  • Now you can have specific actions run at scheduled times
  • Added schedule time settings when editing Schedule Actions
  • show schedule nicely formatted with human readable time
  • Fully implement Scheduled actions - now nicely display the schedule time
  • Show only $_ENV for Schedule actions

Server Connect

  • Include Server Connect output from library include or exec - also the App Connect data binding pickers
  • Make sure global is loaded everywhere (API, Schedule, NodeJS templates)
  • Make sure global inputs are always unique


  • Improved mail setup with global mailer

S3 Connector

  • Greatly improved file upload and download in Server Connect - to be streaming for NodeJS and PHP

App Connect Summernote

  • do logging cleanup

Bug Fixes