Wappler 2.6.4 on Windows 7 starts & quits immediately

Installed Wappler 2.6.4 for Windows 7. It starts by showing a Wappler logo & then quits.
Even the tray icon disappears. Tried uninstalling & deleted C:/Users/…/AppData/Wappler and reinstalling again but same result. What gives?

We aren’t aware of any issues but usually this points to outdated Video card drivers.

So try to update those.

If you still troubles, please post some detailed system specifications.

I had a similar issue when using the nvidia web drivers, but updated to windows 10 and was able to get later drivers and havent had the problem again for at least 6 months on my windows box.

Updated the driver from Device Manager. Previous driver version 2018 now 2015. Still the same problem. Windows 7 Ultimate, Intel I7, 48 GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro K4000.

Here’s the debug.log from …AppData/Local/Wappler:
[0313/013255.594:ERROR:http_transport_win.cc(276)] WinHttpSendRequest: The operation completed successfully. (0x0)

Please go to NVIDIA drivers download page and download/install them from there.

I had the same problem recently. A major Windows 10 update took out the Nvidia graphics driver completely and replaced it with a default MS driver. Updating the driver only updated the MS default driver so installing/reinstalling programs didn’t change anything.

It only corrected itself when I opened up my machine, removed the card, then put it back again. This seemed to trick the system into thinking it was new card so it reconfigured and replaced the MS driver with a Nvidia one. I was then able to download the latest Nvidia driver again.

I downloaded the latest driver directly from Nvidia. Rebooted. After restart, Wappler tray icon is there, and some notifications came up. I clicked “Open Editor” and same thing. Wappler starts & quits. Tray icon disappeared.
Uninstalled Wappler, deleted its AppData folder, reinstalled again. Same thing.
There is a new 1.6 MB dump file in …AppData/…User Data/Crashpad/reports every time I start Wappler and it failed to start.
What could be the problem?

Same problem for me.

I Installed in a Windows 10 Home with Intel UHD Graphics 620

I have updated all the drivers, uninstall and reinstall 4 times and still same result Wappler starts & quits immediately --> https://youtu.be/0MGyhOcd2sI

A post was split to a new topic: Wappler 2.6.4 shows corrupted UI on Windows


I just joined wappler community and tried to start my trial period.

I downloaded the latest version 2.6.4 and installed it successfully,

Unfortunatelly, when I tried to open Wappler. It does not open. You can find a video of what happens here https://youtu.be/0MGyhOcd2sI

In order to take advantage of my 7 days trial. Can somebody share with me a previous version installer?

Thanks in advance

Best Regards


@Gabo - please make sure you don’t have Avast Antivirus installed - it is crashing Wappler!
Just use Windows Defender it is great protection and it is free!

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Thanks George!

Actually I have Avast, that could be the problem

At this moment I succesfully installed and opened version 2.6.3 that somebody share with me.

I will finish my today’s evaluation and tomorrow I will try to install 2.6.4 again, once i have uninstalled Avast, and I will let you know


We always have a lot of problems caused by Avast - it is really a very bad software, crashing many programs and slowing down your pc.

I strongly advise to uninstall it


I am using Vipre antivirus on my PC where I have this problem.
I can not start Wappler with debugging info.

BTW, Wappler 2.6.4 is working fine on my 8 yr-old laptop (Win 7 Ultimate, 12 GB, Quadro FX 880M) running Vipre also.

I'm with George 100%.

As a 'computer security guy' if we see infections we do not use AV to quarantine and recover any system. We start from scratch, fresh OS, fresh patches, fresh software, and in most cases a new hard drive. Malware and virus threats are always present but protecting against them is pretty much worthless. In Windows Defender is your best option by far. All these other AVs are next to useless and cause huge aggravation with their false positives and lock-downs. The threat to be concerned with is Ransomware and protecting against that using offsite backups and strict directory permissions. For most of us this is easily resolved with a little searching of the internet. Spawning new variants is as simple as downloading the source and making just a few changes that will evade most signature detection based anti virus tools. What you are left with is a terrible piece of software that in most circumstances is absolutely useless. Not only that it will steal from your resources, make changes most don't understand, monitor, manipulate, and slow down your browsing experience, not to mention the numerous headaches with those all so common false positives. Save your money and spend it on an offsite/remote backup service. Just my two Cents.

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As long as you don’t accept to download and extract those millions of $ sent to you in a zip by Obama to your email you shouldn’t be worried :smiley:

Not to mention how does Avast tracks you and collects data which they send later … How your antivirus software tracks you really really bad.

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Hi Gabo,

I finally got Wamp operating on my computer and my then Wappler began have the same issue reported. The opening, rotating Wappler disk spun around once and flashed the ver2.6.4 label and went away without loading Wappler.

I also had Wappler on that computer and so I removed Avast from it. The problem with Wappler continued. Wappler 2.6.4 is working fine on this computer without Wamp.

Please let us know if removing Avast worked to solve your problem.


Hi @jaydigital

I just uninstalled AVAST and upgrade Wappler and it is working!

Thanks all


I just upgraded Wappler and it also refuses to run. I don’t use Avast but I use AVG.

I really like AVG as it also scans my emails and warns me when it finds something dodgy. Since the issue started when I installed the new version of Wappler it would seem the problem is with Wappler and not my choice of AV software which I’ve been using for over 10 years. Is the Wappler team planning on fixing it soon please? Thank you.