Wappler 2.6.4 on Windows 7 starts & quits immediately

I tried installing 2.6.3 and voila, it works fine on my PC.
I still can’t figure out why it refuses to run 2.6.4

Hi George,

Getting rid of Avast Antivirus didn’t work on my HP Pavilion. Still not gett the Wappler to load on Startup - only the two logo images.


For those having this problem with Windows 10, we believe it might be related to the previous Windows 10 1903 version.

Could you confirm your version by running winver command?

And try to update to the latest Windows 10 1909 version to see if the problem still persist with Wappler 2.6.4

I’m running Windows 1809, build 17763.1039. It’s fully patched apart from the version.


I had an issue with the last windows update and had similar problems, Wappler closed on lauch. I uninstalled and re-installed and everything worked perfectly

Currently on V 1903 (OS Build 18362.720)

My Wappler 2.6.4 also crashes on win 10 / 1909 18363.720 incl. all updates without any Antivirus except Win Defender. The Win 10 is a clean install. Never was Avast on it or any other Antivirus App. All previous versions of Wappler worked like a charm.

Also i deinstalled Wappler and Installed it again (2.6.4) - no success.

Any Help or Hack for this issue?
Many thanks, John

this issue will be solved in the next update.

I’ve send test versions to the most people of this topic and they confirmed it is solved.

Thank you for fixing it. The 2.6.5 release works well.

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