Very slow or frozen Wappler when doing css 🎨

Wappler Version : 413
Operating System : Win 10 pro

Processor Intel® Core™ i7-3517U CPU @ 1.90GHz 2.40 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.90 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Wappler is extremely slow while working on css, with “heavy” gradients. I need to reboot every 30 min when panels either freeze or just respond to clicks after 2 minutes.

Is there any setup I can implement to lighten up the load?

Could you provide a sample css that is giving you troubles?

And how exactly are you editing it?

So we can reproduce the problem.

It all started when working on this piece in the sytle.css file which contains a total of 300 lines of css code:

body {

   background: linear-gradient(


         #4cc9f0 54.38%,

         rgba(0, 255, 224, 0) 100%


      linear-gradient(128deg, #f72585 10.43%, #3a0ca3 92.78%),


               100% 246.94% at 100% 0%,

               #8000FF 0%,

               #ba75ff 54.17%,

               #b5179e 100%


            linear-gradient(58.72deg, #3a0ca3 0%, #530000 100%),

               linear-gradient(142deg, #b5179e 0%, #ededed 74.04%),

                  linear-gradient(301deg, #b5179e 0%, #3f37c9 84.63%),



                           #4cc9f029 11.12%,

                           #b5179e 86.47%



                           57.37% 100% at 50% 0%,

                           #b50000 0%,

                           #0034bb 100%


   background-blend-mode: multiply, overlay, color-burn, screen, difference,

      difference, difference, normal !important; /* page bg color */


EDIT: FYI laptop fan is blowing strong when I open Wappler, yet I have an SSD.

Are you running on windows with local docker ?

Windows but no docker, just a local c:/ root and a remote target. It’s always been smooth before.

Ok. My docker instance kills me. I’m assuming there’s some heavy lifting in your particular CSS that’s cycling. I’ve got some large CSS files but they’re fine. Sorry I can’t help more

Are you working on a remote target? Maybe your file get uploaded with ftp on each save? Causing delays?

My style.css is 8KB. It is both on my local c:/ and remote. Manually saving it every 15min or so.
Last night again, Wappler was “not responding” when I tried to select some element to change some color.
Will try to share more diagnostic as I work on it today…

Is the freezing after changing some css properties or just in general when you editing a page with that specific css on it?

Just a quick update…
Without Wappler running:

With Wappler running:

Happening when I select an element on a css-rich page. Will try to capture a screenshot or a video when it freezes / is not responding.

Does the CPU stay that high for a longer time or are it just peeks when working on the document? Try closing the documents and see what the CPU usage is, then open the page which you suspect is causing the problem and check CPU usage again, is it constantly high when that specific document is open, does it go down again when the document is closed again. Does the CPU peek a lot when you select an element on that page and how is the UI reacting then, does it freeze up for a few seconds?

Got two PHP page tabs open + style.css open, it is that high when I browse / scroll the pages or AC panel:

It is the browsing on either page (whether selecting an element or browsing the right AC panel) that makes wappler freeze for a few seconds.

Now when Wappler is closed:

OOPS Wappler just crashes on its own after doing that screenshot :sweat_smile:

Getting pretty insane this afternoon (went a bit over 40% CPU for a few secs!). Anticipating a new crash soon.

We are able to reproduce it and it is related to the gradient in the css. For now I would advice to just comment out that css rule, we are working on a fix but that will not be in todays update.

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This has been improved in Wappler 4.2.1, everything should be really fast now.

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