Variables calculated values conflicting dynamic binding & events across the page

Wappler Version : 2.7.2
Operating System : Mac OSX Catalina v10.15.3

I believe variables are wappler’s swiss army knife and I use it extensively (fits my use case).

I encountered a weird issue with dynamic binding between an input field (input1 below) & variable (var1 below) which seemed to be broken by a completely unrelated variable in my page (var2 below)

Basically, var2 had a formula (using other variables) which encountered a divide by zero that ended up with a NaN value, this seem to block the above dynamic binding.

There was no error or warning message in my browser console for me to identify this. I can definitely fix my formula by adding some validations, but it’s totally unfair this breaking dynamic binding & events everywhere else in my page. Ideally, there shouldn’t be any conflict irrespective what value a variable end up with.

Below is a simple reproduction of this!

<input class="form-control form-control-sm" id="input1" name="input1" type="text">

<dmx-value id="var1" dmx-bind:value="input1.value"> </dmx-value>

<dmx-value id="var2" dmx-bind:value="0/0"> </dmx-value>

<p>Input Value: {{var1.value}}</p>

<p>Formula Result: {{var2.value}}</p>

This has been fixed in Wappler 2.8.4

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