Validate check for null value


I have an SC that I need to validate a set value if it’s null.

If it’s null, I need to let the front-end from know it’s invalid.

I tried the != to null and edit the JSON to remove quote, still not working.

Which of the 3 values on your screenshot are you trying to check on the front end?

I am not trying to check it on the front end, I am checking on SC and pass back if it’s valid or not.

The variable i am checking is customer_numeric_number

So what would you like to do with the value on the front end?

The user is entering the value on the front-end. I need to make sure the value is not null before doing a database check.

So basically if the user enters this “H0002D” it would be invalid and null because this happens before the database check:

{{$_POST.customer_number.substr(1, 8).toNumber()}}

If a valid sequence is entered, then I have to do a database check to see if that number is active.

Sorry i really don’t get the logic you are after.
Can you explain with some simple example what you are trying to achieve exactly?

I think you can use the “Required” validation

I tried that, it catches the null and return “This field is required.” - Perfect

But if the customer_numeric_number has a value of numeric (example “9”) it still returns “This field is required."


User register and enter a registration code:


I split that registration code to know industry and registration number.

I need to make sure the code is numeric before running a test on the database to see if that code is valid for registration.

To get the proper number, I am converting “00009” to “9” using:
{{$_POST.customer_number.substr(1, 8).toNumber()}}

If someone enters “H0008D” that code above returns null.

I want to run a validate check to make sure it’s not null, but I don’t know how to do that on Server Connect API.

If it’s a valid code and database check comes back valid, then I need to move the customer to a full registration page for them to enter their user details etc… but I need to pass the registration code in two parts:

Industry: “H”
Reg_Number: “9”

Can you show a screenshot of your browser request and response? If that really happens it’s a bug

You can use a condition step after the setvalue used to check this. Use the setvalue as a condition, so this will check if the step returns a value - THEN - run your steps, ELSE return an invalid response, using the Response step and an invalid HTTP status.

Working on it, I’ll let you know the outcome :slight_smile:

Could you show the expression on check_null?

Also, I’ve realized you could do the != null in the expression, and check if it equals to true

I got it somewhat working… its returning 400 with:

How do I tell that form field there is an invalid input base on that response?

Sorry, I am extremely new to wappler.

I am guessing Dynamic Events check if return code and show error, but i don’t see an option to display form error.

Sorry, I deleted it.

Teodor missed that, go back to your old approach :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol … damn this should be easy lol …

Can I run JavaScript on expression ? In the validate part ?

Lol i try faking and invalid validation inside the else logic, but that’s a no-go!

Here is the screenshot you asked for:

It’s not JavaScript but it’s very similar. In the expression try:

{{ customer_numeric_number != null }}

And then in the Validation rules use the “Equals To” true

Alternatively, I’d personally use:

{{ !customer_numeric_number }}

And then in the Validation rules use the “Equals To” true

The Wappler team built their own expression parser/lexer

I tried your 2nd option, this is what’s happening.