Validata Data not working

Wappler Version : 3.5.6
Operating System : Windows 10
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: custom

Expected behavior

It should be possible to use the Validate Date step and select a database and table if checking an existing value for example.

Actual behavior

It’s not possible to select a connection:

If I add a connection step before this step, the options appear, and I can remove the unneeded connection step afterwards. However, the validation fails nevertheless with:
Connection \"db_conn\" not found.
This api was working fine before a recent update. When it stopped working I noticed these issues when trying to edit the Validate Data step.

I think this has been mentioned before, but I had a feeling there was a workaround. I found a now unlisted report of the issue which was apparently fixed in 3.5.6 - but it doesn’t seem to be.

(It’s also related to my recent question about connections and the changes in setting these up. If I have the target set as remote, the partial fix mentioned above doesn’t work - all the lists show ‘Empty list’.)

Hi @TomD,

It is not related to your other question because I am having the issue myself.

I thought the issue was only with NodeJS - at least this was suggested in this thread - but unfortunately it’s not.

This has been fixed in Wappler 3.5.7

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