Using third party templates

Share a manual for linking a template?

@Teodor, can you please tell me what to do if I have a lot of CSS and JS files in a theme?

@AdrianoLuiz told me that you can do it like this, but it seems that this method does not give full compatibility of the theme with Wappler.

That’s already explained in the docs:

@Teodor, I read the instructions before asking. The instructions just show you how to add one CSS file and one JS file. What if I have a lot of them?

Wappler docs

Theme structure

You need to add the css and js file containing the bootstrap scripts used on your page … you don’t need to add all custom css or js files used in your template.

So simply add the js and css files which are used on the pages and contain the bootstrap scripts and styles.

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I actually just tested this template and there is nothing complicated here …
By inspecting your template html files you can easily see which are the files containing the Bootstrap css and js:

Then on each of the pages you want to use add App Connect:

And Bootstrap (4 or 5 whatever version you are using) Custom:

And you have your App Structure recognizing the standard Bootstrap structure on your template pages:

But if you are not experienced enough to recognize which are the Bootstrap css and js files of your template i can see really big problems for you in the future using such templates, wrongly copying code, not knowing which css or js files are required for specific blocks etc.
Not sure why people want to start using such custom templates when they still don’t fully understand how Wappler works, and why not just build the layout in Wappler?


@Teodor , thank you very much!
Yesterday I tried to combine all the theme files using Gulp, but it turned out that everything is easier to solve.

I wanted to use a ready-made theme to build a site from ready-made blocks. Plus, I’m not a designer, but here, by default, a good design.

I think it will be easier in the future, because every day I know a little about how Wappler and the Web work in general.