Hi, I'm hitting a wall regarding matching data from multiple sources to define my insert query. Let me explain.
As part of my enquiry process I need to identify providers near to the enquiry postcode. My approach to this is to call the nearby outcodes via API to reduce the total number of providers in scope. I will then use another API to get the distance from the provider and sort.
So far, I can retrieve the outcodes linked to the main enquiry and have (with the help of apple and Ben) been able to land this in a subtable (see below). Thats also why I have opened a new post for this, as its a different query.
The next step is to match the providers with the relevant outcodes for the enquiry. To do this using the above example, I want to select all providers with any of the outcodes lists above and then add their provider ID and the enquiry ID to the new table.
I've been struggling with creating array lists and nested repeats but have come to the conclusion I'm being too scatter gun, so if anyone has some general guidance on the recommended approach then I'd really appreciate the steer.
I've tried to use some of the ideas from this article: Filter a query on a JSON field - #5 by famousmag but to no avail.
For what its worth, here is my current attempt (although you will see I have a number of other versions I have tried in the left. Here I am trying to use a repeat to add the result of a seperate query for each outcode to an array but am getting a 0 value error. I