Unpkg.com behaving badly

For those of you using tagify component, your users are probably experiencing page loading delays today - unpkg.com is barely serving data.

This really needs a solution


I am experiencing no issues with unpkg today, testing some stuff on pages using tagify - server response time for the tagify js file is like 12ms and content download about 0.4ms.

I’m seeing intermittent lag. 39 second load times

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Right now I’m trying to solve this problem. A large number of complaints from users. After testing, I found out that the problem is in unpkg and it is in the tagify component, because all the other components that I use are hosted locally. It looks like you will have to urgently edit the code and rebuild the application manually without using a Wappler.

The ability to install the component locally would save many problems.

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I’ve had issues on and off with Tagify because of the unpkg hosting of the scripts. Having them stored locally and then update through the normal Wappler updates would be a much better solution.


I’m storing them locally because of that as well. unpkg.com is very unreliable.

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Any issues doing so? Simply a case of copying a few files to a local server?

Yeah, add the scripts from the CDN to your server. Wappler will overwrite your custom source, though. You can prevent that with a workaround. Wappler checks the script source but not the type so that you can add Wapplers version as application/json and yours as the script.

Here is an example:

# your local script
 <script src="pathToYourScript" defer=""></script>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@yaireo/tagify/dist/tagify.css" />

#dmx connect
  <script src="/dmxAppConnect/dmxTagify/dmxTagify.js" defer=""></script>

#workaround to prevent Wappler from overwriting your script
  <script type="application/json" src="http://unpkg.com/@yaireo/tagify" defer></script>

@Teodor Just a suggestion but that might be an easy fix for you guys. If you want to stick to CDNs or allow local script then you could add a fallback so that we can load a local script or you fall back to their other CDN if unpkg.com is not available:

So instead of:

<script src="http://unpkg.com/@yaireo/tagify" defer></script>

you could do:

<script src="http://unpkg.com/@yaireo/tagify" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@yaireo/tagify';" defer></script>


Jsdelivr is way more reliable than unpkg. It has better infra and has fallbacks. I use it for all my external libraries.

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Thanks Jon,

Can you share the include code to replace the default unpkg one - I will update everything right now if you do.

And thanks again.

You have a converter here:

Paste the unpkg url and get the jsdelivr one.

0 outages last year.

Thanks - does wappler play well with it ?

It’s the same scripts hosted on unpkg. You don’t even need a converter because Tagify already has their stuff on jsdelivr.

The only problem is that Wappler will try to re-add your unpkg links if you are using an AC component that makes use of certain library. Like tagify.

It’s a nuisance to remove them but once you have committed a version with the jsdelivr url and not with unpkg it’s just a matter of discarding the line until an alternative is provided.

you can do this to prevent wappler from readding the script Unpkg.com behaving badly

Thank you both.

Top class

So tagify on unpkg keeps going down for hours now. We really need a solution to this.