Undock option for code editor

Hey everyone, just thinking if it’s possible to have the code editor undocked, here is my case:
I have two monitors, (24 and 27)
Love the split vertical feature and have both views (design and code) as expanded screen.

But I think it would be nice to have the code editor in one screen, and the main screen on another so this FR is about that.

In this particular case, I would like to switch monitors only for code and not for whole Wappler (sc/git/db etc)

Basically, undock the code editor and have this:


Not sure that would work with multiple files open?

Yes I thought about it and maybe on change file (open another one) change the code editor as well, just like split view works.

I use vs code with auto save (very dangerous, I already know that) and design view on Wappler, but curious to have a 100% Wappler way.

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I didn’t know it was dangerous :thinking:

If you use Git you can always revert

The problem comes when you don’t know if you’re on Wappler or vs code, so you try to edit something but it turns that you edit other thing.
Also if you accidentally press anything, well, it get saved, but yes, git solves it.

I think you need to vote for this feature request:

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