Unable to click magic wand in properties

Mac: OD
Wappler 4.4.2

Unable to click the magic wand in properties (see video)

What is the expression you are trying to format? It doesn’t seem to me like recognized in the data picker? Maybe select it again in the data picker and then try to format it.

Same problem @teodor
Info is coming from a DataStore and it just does not seem to work.

How did you pick this expression exactly? In your video it’s not clear where does it come from and you don’t pick it in the data picker?

Picked the price from a datastore (cart) need to make it price x qty.
But obviously I can’t use the magic wand. Never been an issue before which is why I thought it is a bug.

Sorry i am not sure what you picker exactly.
Can you show a screenshot of your expression or a video how do you pick or where do you pick this expression from?

in a call I have added a dynamic value (using the lightning bolt) they I try to add a multiplier using the wand.

If is defiantly a bug as I have just revered back to 4.4.1 and it works perfectly.

So what is the exact expression you are trying to format and does not work? Please either show a screenshot of the code view in the data picker or paste the expression here!

There must be something wrong with the expression you are trying to format as i cannot recreate this locally.

As I’ve said the wand works fine in previous version but not in 4.4.2

I requested a couple of times - please either switch to CODE view in data picker so i can see the expression or paste the expression itself!

my bad, lol

the expression it would show is: cart.data[0].qty
You can not select the magic want, however the same expression in 4.4.1 is working absolutely fine.

There must be something wrong with your expression, the thing is that when you open the data picker it does not mark the qty under your data store as selected:

As it should do:

and in exact same example as yours it works fine on my test page.
Can you try removing the expression when you open the data picker and select it again, then try to format it - does it work?

not sure why there would be a problem with the expression, as I’ve just done the exactly the same thing in 4.4.1 and it works just fine with no problems.
I will give it a try again, but I’ll have to re-install 4.4.2

Try recreating this with logging enabled and attach the debug log here please.

will do when I get time to uninstall and re-install, pretty busy at the moment.

@Teodor Here’s a log file when hitting this issue:

report1639171294959.zip (847.1 KB)

Trying to set a variable, I select a Data View > data and then magic wand. But really, it doesn’t seem to matter what I select, I’m seeing this in many places.

@George Let me know if I can help find this…It’s bigger than I thought, I can’t get much done right now.

Do you have a general problem with the formatter dialog not working at all on all expressions? Or just when you want to format the data view variable?

Seems to be everywhere right now. I’ve tried switching projects but no change. Also turned off experimental and restarted…still not working.