Time Picker Option Missing

Ok so I’ve been playing around with this as needed to add a time as well and the way I have found is to:

  1. Create a hidden input for the output of the date and time. Set the value to the output of the date.
  2. Have a select (before the date input) with the times in eg, 9am - Value = 09:00
  3. One the date add a Dynamic Attribute for value.
    4 One the value replace 00:00:00 with the value from the select

That brings up the date with the time in the hidden field and works perfectly.
It’s not a perfect method, but its working.

Actually we have solved this long time ago, but probably you have an old version of the extension still installed. So you need to refresh the installed extensions.

On the Mac you can do so by:

  1. first fully close Wappler - from the tray above - right click quit
  2. From Finder choose Go to ~/Library/Application Support/Wappler
    and delete the sub folder Configuration
  3. start Wappler

All extension will be installed freshly now.

Let me know if that solved your problem.


Thanks George, fixed this problem on my Mac.

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@George is my hero !!!

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