Theme Manager - Responsive Font Sizes not working

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : 3.0.0. Beta 2
Operating System : Windows 10

Expected behavior

Applying options in Theme Manager should change the Bootstrap theme

Actual behavior

In some cases changes are applied; in some cases they are not.

How to reproduce

Select ‘Responsive Font Sizes’ and click the various buttons at the top of Theme Manager. No changes are made. I don’t think this is a new issue; I don’t think this has ever worked. I’ve had the same issue trying to make changes in advanced settings.

When this is option is selected, "responsive-font-sizes": true is added to theme.json. To compile Bootstrap manually, you would use the sass variable “enable-responsive-font-sizes”. I tried changing theme.json accordingly but it didn’t help.

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Thanks for the report, @George will check this :slight_smile:

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this was solved in Wappler 3.0.0 beta 4


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