Tagify will not clear data on form reset

Wappler 4.7.3, Mac M1, NodeJS

I have a form with 4 tagify fields, however none of them are required fields, on success I have a form reset.

On browser refresh, i complete the entire form, including adding tags to all 4 tagify form fields, then i submit, and the data is correctly stored in my database.
On success i have a reset form action including clear data set to true
I now complete the form again, however only add tags to one of the 4 tagify fields, and submit.

The database stores the new tagify value correctly, however also stores the 3 others which were left blank, with the data from the first form submit.

It must be somehow storing that array data somewhere and not clearing on success form reset.

UPDATE: the only way i have found around the issue is having an onsuccess form reset as well as an input.removeAllTags() for every tagify input

Iā€™m using that same workaround having also witnessed the form reset not being implemented

Please test following update.

dmxTagify.zip (2.9 KB)

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Thank you that seems to have fixed the issue.

Fix is included in Wappler 4.8.0

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