Tagify in Select mode does not work properly

Wappler Version : 5.8.0
Operating System : Win 11
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: SQLite
Hosting Type: Wappler

Actual behavior

Clicking on the form input, I do not produce a list of names:

Entering two letters, does produce the relevant name:

Have you tried in properties editing min chars to 0? I think its default is 2

Yes, yes, yes! Thank you.

But is that how it is supposed to work? Not according to

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Haven’t really used tagify enough to comment just remembered it had a min chars property, from the docs looks like it is supposed to show the drop-down even with the default option of 2 so could still be a bug but can’t confirm :slight_smile:

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I have used both setups, with min chars set to 0 and 2. When the min chars property is set to 0, the list appears when user clicks in the tagify input field. When the min chars is set to 2, the list appears after minimum 2 chars have been entered in the input field.

I have only seen Tagify list displaying after min chars have been entered where property is set to more than 0. I don’t know if this behaviour is supposed to be different for this type of setup.

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