Tagify doesn't post values on edit unless changed

Wappler Version : 4.9.1
Operating System : mac
Server Model: node
Database Type: maria
Hosting Type: Wappler local

Expected behavior

When submitting a form containing a tagify element, the existing value of the element should be sent as part of the form data, even if the value has not changed.

Actual behavior

Tagify element is not present in the form data, unless a change has been made.

How to reproduce

<input is="dmx-tagify" id="tagify_transhipment_ports" name="transhipment_ports" dmx-bind:data="get_ports.data.ports" tag-text="port_name" tag-secondary="port_code" tag-value="port_id" dmx-bind:value="this_price.data.transhipments.groupBy(`port_id`).keys()" nocustom="true" >

Start with an empty tagify…

Add values…

And submit the form…

Now come back to this form and the existing values will be present, however if I submit the form (without making any changes to the tagify element, the element will not be in the payload…

However, if an entry is deleted, or added, it will work.

I also experience this issue but found for us, the issue was resolved with the latest iOS updates. iOS 15.5 and macOS 12.4. Just thought I would share.

Bump. This is still a major problem with tagify. @patrick, thoughts on this?

You can test this update: dmxTagify.zip (2.9 KB)

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That takes care of it. Thanks.

The extension has been updated and is now available as an inline update in Wappler. This issue has been fixed there.

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