Summernote lite missing "value" in dynamic attributes

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.22000
  • Wappler Version : 4.6.1

Problem description

Summer note is missing the “value” setting in dynamic attributes. (see picture)
and should summernote work in nodejs?

Steps to reproduce

  1. insert summernote on webpage

The picture show the “dmx-bind:value” after I have put it in miself in code view.

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This is still a problem missing Bind:value in summernote. Have ta add it myself to get it working. Using Wappler ver. 4.9.1.

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Maybe just check the input category? All input related dynamic attributes are there

Here is the input category.

And if I put bind:value in the code it is not showing up in appstructure

Are you using Bootstrap 5? As Summernote is not yet Bootstrap 5 compatible

I’m also using summernote lite so just adding here, I’m using bootstrap 5 and can confirm that value works but it is not an option in the UI

I think this would be a good option what was discussed here: Dynamic binds id

Where we would be able to add any bind even if it’s not suggested by the UI

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Using bootstrap 5 yes. So thats wy it is not there. Sorry I was not aware of the bootstrap 5 compatibility problem.

Hello, I got the same problem. Should I use Bootstrap 4 or it has been solved ?

Summernote is compatible with Bootrap 5 already.

I have a content page (layout page with Bootstrap 5 cosmo theme).
If the content page is set to Bootstrap 5 (local, custom or cosmo), summernote doesnot appear on Dynamic Attributes.

If I select Bootstrap 4 it appears in the menu…

Screenshot 2024-04-05 alle 11.23.09

On your bootstrap 5 page, try re-applying the summernote and try switching its theme settings in the properties panel to see if it will appear.