Stripe and AC2

In 6.4.0 BETA are the Stripe components compatible with AC2, or is that yet to be done?

The Stripe components for AC2 are scheduled for the next update. We have some more updates to do for the Stripe Elements, styling and new flow requirements. So it is coming up.

The Stripe components is also the last extension that needs the AC2 update. Then we are done with converting all extensions to be AC2 compatible.

We will be probably also making be the server side actions to a separate extension so those can be updated independently from the client side and be more stripe api version dependent.


Hi there @George… in this work you describe, will you be offering support for the new Stripe “Payment Element” structure and be moving away from the now old, legacy “Card Element” implementation?

Hi Antony,

We already support the most Stripe Elements next to the old ones, but will be updating them for indeed better styling, support the new payment flows and also adding support for the new elements.

Thanks for the update @George… so are saying you already support the “Payment Element” as linked to in my feature request?

With support for Apple Pay?

I wasn’t able to find that in Wappler when I wrote the FR…

I would be interested in clarification regarding the ‘Payment Element’ too? It is/will it be available in AC2?

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Would love to know the answer to this @George; @patrick

The Payment Element main component will be a whole new integration for stripe and the new flows it has. and it will be indeed for App Connect 2 only.