SQL connection to Microsoft SQL Server on Windows

You still get the same error message in Wappler? Delete the previous log file and go through the process again to create a new log file with Wappler. Then upload the new log file here so that I can check if it is a different error or the same.

chrome_debug.zip (6.2 KB)

Did you have a chance to have a look at this at all?



Hello George,

Can you please follow up on this post - it seems to have just stopped after Patrick suggested that the BIN folder is missing - I showed that it is not. Can you perhaps do a video like I have done demonstrating that your product does indeed connect to MS SQL either by ASP.NET or PHP. Like I have said - it does connect to MySQL or MS SQL via ASP Classic - but that it not required.

My first monthly payment has been deducted now - so I am a paying customer for what is at the moment not working. This issue has been going on for a week - it may well be my errors on some points - but I would hope that you would support these questions - don’t get me wrong - the answers from you and your team are appreciated - but if somebody could demonstrate that it is possible - that would be great…



The error clearly tells that it can not compile, it is missing the assembly. In .NET the assemblies are the DLL files that are located in the Bin folder. .NET searches the Bin folder in your Application Root. When it can’t find the Bin folder it means that you have not configured your IIS correctly. Also make sure the Application Pool is configured correctly. The DLL files are compiled for .NET 3.5, so that is the minimum version. I have tested it with .NET 4.5 and there are no problems.

So just that I am clear ( remember I am a designer - not really a person who configures servers full time - I also have just switched to ASP.NET as I could not connect via PHP)

You say it is missing an assembly - that assembly is the DLL ( specifically the DMXzone.ServerConnect.DatabaseConnector.dll)

This DLL is in the BIN folder - see screenshot -which is within the application root.
When you say - make sure the application pool is configured correctly - I have chosen .NET CLR version v4.0.30319 - Managed pipeline mode = Integrated - other than that there are no further options?

You have tested it with NET4.5.- but can you demonstrate this please as all videos I have seen are demonstrating using MySQL.

I would actually much prefer to use PHP if possible also - which you do also support.



Any news on this or is it dead?

2 days - I am beginning to think George that you took the money and left!!!

3 Days…- Can anyone demonstrate that wappler connects to a MS SQL database apart from just saying that it does?



Perhaps you could search the forum for “MS SQL” where you could identify users?
Certainly @diggybob needed help with MS SQL in the last week which was identified as a user mis-configuration which was resolved
Also @MH2ag appears to be a MS SQL User, sure there are loads more

Hi @stevenmcgough,

did you already check my following post?

I can confirm that I can create a connection to MS SQL Server with ASP.NET.

What you have to know, is that you can only connect to the standard dbo schema. If you need to show data from another schema you can easily do this as follows:

Create a new database for webaccess within dbo schema and create a view of the table you want to show.

SELECT * FROM Database.Schema.Table

Hi, yes I have connected Wappler to MS SQL successfully. I did find that it is important to select the correct version in the selection drop-down. If you cannot get a connection first time I suggest you try each one in turn. Also be sure that the sql server accepts connections from your published web server, can be restricted for instance to local connections only.

As an example, this is a page using server connect to MS SQL and contains a repeater to bring back all table records with a link to the detail (currently not set up)



I have checked the forum for “MS SQL” - there is very little information returned on the subject.
Diggybob’s misconfiguration seems to be an FTP related sybject.
There are not loads more - that I can see.
I am not trying to be awkward and I really do appreciate your responses…

In the past I have used PHP with connections to MySQL with WAMP as webserver - wappler promised a connection to MS SQL and that is what I require for projects connecting to my company’s MIS system which uses MS SQL. I tried all ways to connect but got driver issues. I was then told better to use ASP.NET and ISS.

I have installed ISS express - and MS SQL Express ( as well as trying to connect to the actual MS SQL) and now I get compilation errors when trying to connect. I posted a video showing my progress.

I did not want to ( or have much experience of ) using ASP.NET or configuring ISS. I get told that I have done this wrong and that wrong - and people say " I have connected" - but nobody - from wappler - can demonstrate that it actually works - can they not do a video or a “how to” from start to finish.?? - setup ISS like this…connect like this…instead of just saying I must have done it wrong…

I can connect Via Classic ASP - so why won’t PHP or ASP.NET not work.?

Patrick states “The error clearly tells that it can not compile, it is missing the assembly. In .NET the assemblies are the DLL files that are located in the Bin folder” - but i have shown that it is there.

Almost two weeks have passed now - with no connection -

All the problems you reported until now with PHP and with .NET are all server configuration issues.

Unfortunately Wappler cannot magically configure your server(s) with a single click. Serverside tools expect a properly configured server to function properly.

And do you really believe a company with 18 years of experience creating DW extensions and now running a community with 2000 users will just:

that you took the money and left!!!

or that we just say the product works but it doesn't really work? Wouldn't the rest of the users (DW extensions users and Wappler users) have noticed that already if that was the case?

I said tghat because there seemed to be a sudden stop of replies after payment was taken.

I have asked for a walk through of the whole process for over a week now without any reply. I don’t expect you to magically configure the server.

But for example if you had to install ISS Express - then setup a simple database in MS SQL then connect the site to it in Wappler - how would you do it? - can you demonstrate the steps? - rather than saying " it can be done - you have done it wrong"

Perhaps many of your users used the extensions with dreamweaver and therefore wappler may not be a whole new process for them - but this is not the case for all users…

Sometimes it is new thing…

The question here is not if the product is new for the users or not.

The whole point is that it won’t work if you have not properly set up your server as per your server documentation.

But I have set up ISS according to the documentation as well as the comments above .

Will a “how to” be done or a demonstraion of how to do it “properly” be done do you think?
install ISS Express - then setup a simple database in MS SQL then connect the site to it in Wappler

I don’t think it is too much to ask - as then I can maybe see where I am going wrong.
A simple answer for this question is all I ask?

Create a file test.aspx with the following content:

<% @Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import namespace="System.Reflection" %>
  Response.Write("Application Base: " + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase);
  Response.Write("<br>Private Bin Path: " + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.PrivateBinPath);
  foreach (Assembly a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
      Response.Write("<li>" + a.GetName() + "</li>");

Save it in your project root and open it in the browser, then post the output back here in the forum. It should return the root of the .NET application, the location of the Bin folder and the assemblies that are loaded.