Socket Connect/Disconnect/Reconnect Events

When using socket component on page, there is just one type of dynamic event - message.
We need an event when socket gets connected/disconnected to be able to inform the user of current server connection status. How to achieve that?

Bump. @patrick

@sid It’s not in the UI, but dmx has an event for that dmx-on:connect="dosomething()" Maybe that’s helpful until Wappler adds it to UI.

Thanks Tobias. I was hoping there would be something like this. :slight_smile:
We were able to configure both dmx-on:disconnect and dmx-on:connect events.

@George Bump to add this to the socket component.

@George Another bump.

Bump. @George
Or has this been added to version 6 beta?

Bump. @George


This is now available in Wappler 6.0.3

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