Should I Make A Switch To Wappler From Bubble?

Hi Everyone,

I hope I am able to find answers. I have built quite a few well-doing apps in Bubble.

Generally, all my apps were SaaS apps where I was charging enough for each organization that uses my app to cover Bubble expenses + other plugin costs if I use any.

My apps generally never crossed 300-400 active users, so performance was never an issue with Bubble. It works brilliantly up to 500 active users, and I have been able to generate a really good stream of income with Bubble ( will always be grateful to them ).

The issue, my latest idea would be an app that would have to scale well, in order to justify putting in the time in it. Bubble is not the place if you’re looking for long term scalability, I know that for a fact.

The thing is I work as a product manager for 2 years. I have a decent understanding of how infrastructure works, but have close to no practical experience in HTML/CSS/JS .

I know decent Python(mainly for Data Science / Analytics Stuff) , and basic MySQL(Enough to crunch data and pull out basic/intermediate analysis).

I am aware of panel from AWS/GCP but have never really hosted anything on my own.

I understand APIs , but the most that I’ve done with them (apart from using them in PostMAN) is make simple fetch requests in Python.

I want to understand what kind of learning should I expect , and how much time should it take for me to build a fairly dynamic web-app. Think, Admin Sign-ups , Org creation, Admin Panel for the app, User Roles, User Creation, Management Module with various repeating groups and actions to modify properties of entities.

Basically any well-doing SaaS app but something that can expect between 1000-10000 active users at a time.

I hope this lovely community can help me find the right answers, so that this brother can understand if paying/learning wappler will not just be months of effort, post which he realizes that it was all in vain as he cannot pull it off.

Thanks you so much and much love.

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Yes, 100%. I was beginning to worry we hadn’t seen one of these posts on the forum in a while.

Nobody here can really answer that question, it depends on each users ability to learn Wappler. Once you get your head around the basics you should be building at lightning speed.

Check out From Bubble to Wappler and also the brilliant getting started course by Ken @mebeingken

Take some time to make the most of the 7 day free trial. If there’s any specific questions you have that haven’t already been covered, ask away.

If I haven’t put you off, welcome to Wappler!

@max_gb is spot on.

I would just add that the 7 days can be a short time if you’ve not even seen the system before so going through this forum, watching videos and training, reading the docs, etc. before you start the trial will help enormously. And there’s the monthly subscription option so even if you invest in a month to try it in more depth, it’s not a huge cost.

But I’m pretty confident you’ll love it and be building apps very quickly. I found it took a while to fully grasp how it all works but now I can fly through some pretty complex apps.

Welcome :slight_smile:


A long time Bubble user here, and the answer is a resounding yes!

I would recommend Wappler Getting Started Course as a good starting point and is well worth the small investment to jump start your project.

There is a learning curve, like anything, but if you want to grow an app then you need to move away from Bubble!

Yep, 100%.

Thanks for the response guys, I am really happy to see people respond as the community gives a sense of confidence as a fall back when you find yourself stuck.

I have another important question -> Has anyone successfully integrated Backendless with Wappler for their Database?

Also, can you point me to some resources where I can learn about what it will take to set up the required hosting from an infrastructure perspective to get my Wappler app ready for production

I like your inquisition. Great, you will find an enormous wealth of knowledge here…

  1. augmented by
  2. and tons of valueable resources perfected by valuable wapplarians.


Great to see fellow countrymen here! Greetings from Jodhpur, Ritwik.
Have never used Bubble - so don’t have much to say about that.
Just wanted to extend a warm welcome!

Suggest to avoid services like backendless, go for Postgres or MySQL directly - self hosted instances on DigitalOcean are not too expensive and very easy to setup. Your data is not locked in at all with any provider.

Setting up hosting is pretty simple. You can setup your own PaaS (ref here: Roll your own PaaS - Heroku alternative (Part 1)) on any VPS like DigitalOcean, Linode, etc. - both these have India servers - good for small latency if your clients are based here.
Or get yourself managed reseller account or managed VPS with cPanel (much more expensive but it is easy to manage stuff with cPanel) with providers like or

With all due modesty, am a CA by education, if I can do this - believe me, anyone can!

Hi @nshkrsh - It’s so great to hear from a fellow Indian here.

And thanks for the motivating words, can you quickly tell me what I need to know about DO v/s Cpanel.
I think I will have to manually install the DBs, and set up pipelines in DO/Linode but it’s a setup shop in Cpanel, and I can directly start using services like PostGREs?

Thanks @Bankym. Will check these out and follow through

plain DO is not advisable. too difficult to manage unless you are really good with linux cli.
caprover (opensource)/cloudron (paid) are ‘apps’ to help you install variety of open source/paid web apps on your server including DBs like mysql and postgres with ease.

we currently use cPanel - but want to migrate away - golden cage is still a cage. hopefully within 2021 we will self host.

Got it, thank you everyone for the support. I think I’ll get started with the courses before deciding which license to procure/start the trail to get my hands dirty.

One final thing I would like to understand is the main difference between Wappler Basic/Pro.

Under what circumstances should I consider getting a Pro License instead of a basic one?

@nshkrsh @Bankym @mgaussie @StevenM @sitestreet @max_gb

Bought first license 2+yrs. Currently hold 4 company licenses. Never bothered to look what basic offers. Most likely it won’t be enough. Pro is worth the investment.

You can see the diff here btw:

Basic: Static sites
Pro: Dynamic sites

If you are bulding SaaS you need pro.

The features are on the pricing page here:

You’ll regret not going for Pro
(based on your OP, you will need Pro)