Sounds like a great idea! I’m back at it this morning with a fresh mind-set. Like most of us here, we probably didn’t arrive here without a little brain frazzle here and there trying to get things done without instruction or by refusing to RTFM (talking in general here about being a developer), nor do we lack perseverance and a brute-force learning approach to getting where we want to be. Nothing quite like hacking things in to place, but making sure to document our mess during the voyage of discovery. I’d be up for a collaboration definitely. It’s great having other heads to share the load and step in with common sense and direction. I’m making progress and being careful to document exactly how I have got to where I am right now, so at least have made a start in that regard. You’re great at putting the pieces in place and providing the descriptive narrative, something I lack in all honesty. Would also be interesting to see how we could work as a team. Count me in.
Great, just PM me when ready and we can discuss the mechanics of collaboration. Anyone else want to get involved let us know, the more minds the better.
I’m in the process of building a web app, coupled with both an iOS and Android apps with the aim to publish to the App stores within the next couple of weeks. Also hoping to integrate Stripe payments and Push notifications too.
I’ll let you know how it goes. Expecting a lot of trial and error, and banging my head against the wall
Thanks @max_gb, any info appreciated
I’d be up for collaborating on building a mobile app. I’ve installed everything that’s needed and got to the point of running an iOS app within the Apple Xcode simulator but just showing the Cordova logo and nothing else.
The bit I’ve hit a wall with is the concept of needing two apps in Wappler - one web and one mobile. I picked this up from a thread somewhere but not real documentation. I feel sure that once a few steps are followed, the actual building of the app would be very easy because it’s the same as for web apps. But that initial step is what’s holding me up at the moment.
Many of our users opted to take the free Webinar that was hosted by the Wappler community. The timing of your webinar was not to my advantage. It made a priced product compete with a free option. Haha.
We had our conference. I will make videos available in the coming days.
I feel your frustration Dave, have let the team know many times too. They can be a bit dense in their response, but it seems that they slowly begrudgingly are accepting that they will to document more if they want this project to succeed.
On a side note, I don’t even think they should have broadened their features to mobile development until they had finished and perfected the web application builder. Now it’s way more to document for them, and also more support to provide. Focus is important.
Actually there will never be a "finished" or "features full" version of Wappler.
As George explains in the following topic:
Wappler is constantly evolving, thanks to the weekly updates and users requests.
Also we are constantly working on new tutorials and as I explained above, we will be improving the docs in the next weeks/months.
And that there is why Wappler is so great! Features I didn't even know I needed until they were added. Like Git!
Just chiming in here… I think the main issue is the learning curve @Hyperbytes has done the Wappler team a great service by producing a step by step tutorial going from ‘a’ to ‘d’ rather than the documentation that doesn’t have a particularly great step by step guide. The Docs maybe brilliant for when you are established and you are looking for an answer to a particular question or when you need to find out how a feature works but it assumes you know how to tie it all together. You can’t beat real life project examples.
Your competitors out there such as & have fantastic basic tutorials. For example when you join bubble it takes you on an interactive setup of many concepts that get you going straight away to being able to create an application.
Bubble Training snapshot
Anvil Training snapshot
If Wappler had these types of tutorials up and running I think the platform would become the platform. And the reason is because you have the silver bullet (host it anywhere).
I just want to say thank you again to @Hyperbytes for the webinar series you are doing you are making it possible for me to use Wappler but I also want to say thank you to the Wappler team because I love the fact that the features come out biweekly / weekly I just think there needs to be some great example tutorials even though that maybe sorted now we have the Webinar series.
I have a feeling it would only take about 20-30 minutes (maybe less) to get a mobile app started so a screencast of that process would get us all off the starting line. If someone has successfully created even the most basic app which connects to a database and allows the basic SCRUD features then that would be enough. The rest will come as part of general Wappler knowledge.
So, who’s able to make that screencast?
Finally got somewhere! Actually got an Android App to compile, run, and debug! Next step Dynamic Data…
Actually feel like I made progress, so so frustrating. Will try to wrap everything I learned in to a Tutorial as soon as I have conquered this next step!
Going to celebrate with a coffee!
Well played, Dave. You’ve reached the point I got to. It’s the next part with dynamic data that will be the key to it all. I’ve read about created two projects in Wappler, one web and one mobile. The mobile one uses the web project to get to the data. Seeing that in practice is what I’m keen for.
Hey Jon, thanks! I'm just playing around with the data side now and seem to be moving forward. Will happily share everything I learn and tag you in the post to keep you updated. Please feel free to do the same should you have any luck with the next steps. Fingers crossed!
Brilliant Dave, looking forward to hearing your roadmap
Will tag you also Brian, then we can get together and put out a tutorial or two, and possibly some insights for your up and coming seminar.
That would be great, to be honest the mobile webinar isn’t going to happen as I stand as I simply am not ready to presents it (but i have another great idea up my sleeve as an alternative if necessary)
FINALLY got dynamic data to display in my Android App!! Talk about perseverance… It has taken me since my last post above to do this! Four days or so, of StackOverflow, Android community forums, Android Studio videos, backwards and forwards with the idiosyncrasies of Android Studio and Wappler, both need tweaks, reboots, refreshes, closing, the list goes on and on… Is this the first dynamic App made with Wappler? Creating static Apps is simple once everything is updated and installed, but the dynamic side is a different ball game!
Short and sweet:
Hello Dave,
Not sure what has android studio to do with the dynamic data?
You bind dynamic data absolutely the same way as on a web page, except you need to run your server action in another project (web project) and just select it from the dropdown.
If your “static” app is running, i see no reason why would you have any issues with the dynamic data?
Have you built a dynamic app connecting to a remote database on a live server Teodor? Please feel free to share how that was done! You need to debug your app as there are so many factors involved with a live environment versus a test server on your local machine. If it was not for Android Studios live debugging I would never have been able to do this. Surely if it were as simple as you mention above there would already be a host of live apps made with Wappler?