Setting button action toggle modal doesn't work

I’ve noticed this several times in my project. setting the action toggle of a button to modal and selecting the modal, nothing happens until i edit the code directly and change dmx-on:click="" to dmx-on:click=“”.

Appears to be a bug of some sort. I can’t create a button that the modal toggle will work, until i add the code directly.

Using bootstrap 4. I’ve also tried with bootstrap 5, same result and seems related to this:

I believe you need to be using an anchor button, not just a regular button. An anchor button will give you a setting in the properties panel to add a modal.

The option is there on a regular button.

It would be good if you could share the code for your button when you use the modal setting in the UI to set it.

I just tested this and it works fine with the action toggle used for the button.
A really simple example:

    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col">
                <button id="btn1" class="btn btn-primary" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#modal1">Button</button>
    <div class="modal" id="modal1" is="dmx-bs5-modal" tabindex="-1">
        <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <div class="modal-header">
                    <h5 class="modal-title">Modal title</h5>
                    <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button>
                <div class="modal-body">
                    <p>Modal body text goes here.</p>
                <div class="modal-footer">
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>

Maybe something is not right with your page, so please either share a link to it or paste your page code here.

it’s local to my machine, I’ll test on a new page and see if it works.

All i did was create a button. Change the text of the button to what i wanted it to say by double clicking and typing. Then, under button properties changed action toggle to modal and modal set to the modal i wanted to open.

So does my code work for you?
How is my code different than yours? Please provide it here.

Recreated the button and now it works. No clue why it wasn’t before. I didn’t do anything different.