Set Value this HTML code - it breaks the Server Action UI!

Win 10 20H2
Wappler 3.5.5

steps to reproduce the issue:

  • set following HTML code in a ‘Set Value’ step in a Server Action:
  <div style="border: 1px solid black;position: fixed;top:-0.2in;left:0.3in;width:7.9in;height:10.4in"></div>


  • save the SA.
  • click on the to the Set Value step - you can see a faint border on the SA pane itself:

    <sorry, had to redact some sensitive info>
    the HTML border is very clear on the blue selected step - others is a bit difficult to see - but if you focus, you can see it.
    this is just part of the problem.
  • the main problem is the pencil button is no longer accessible - you just cannot click it!!!
  • must open the SA in code view to be able to work further (not desirable).

hope it is fixed ASAP.

cc: @sid, @aschoijett, @slashash.sanjay

Interesting issue, seems like the HTML is rendered when pasted there - i see the div covering the server connect panel.
@patrick can check this.

further observation:
if there is something with position:fixed in the html code, then we start seeing those elements on the SA UI itself.
this is happening with another step as well where we have position:fixed - but it didn’t break the UI there - in this other instance it did break the UI and rendered unusable!

bumping this request.

Hi guys,
First of all, Happy New Year!!
Any luck fixing this one?

Many thanks,


Bumping this bug report - please fix!

As explained in two other topics about the same thing posted by your team members - this is quite a hard to fix issue. I don’t have any timeframe on when it will be fixed.
It’s not a common thing to use weird values like HTML code in the set value step, so please avoid doing this.

There are no other topics on this matter that i know of. You might have this confused with something else.

since you have already unlisted this @Teodor and i suspect without much sincere consideration, i’ll not hold myself back.

You’ve made me feel sorry for trying to push Wappler to the limits its makers couldn’t think of.
We have built a fairly complex HTML report with multiple nesting and repeat.
We couldn’t figure out an efficient way to do this without using SET VALUE to store some HTML values.
The SA works fine - but editing it is not possible form UI - because of the above mentioned issue!

If you can think constructively, let us know a better way to achieve what we have done.

Our love for Wappler should be a matter of pride for you guys and not hubris!!!

Good news - this will be solved in the next update. Now you can enter all the html codes you want in the expression field :slight_smile:

It will be also sized well so the pickers are always visible.

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thank you very much. sorry for the outburst earlier!

This has been fixed in Wappler 3.7.5

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