Set Value Issue

Wappler Version : wappler 3.5.1
Operating System : Windows 10

I discovered bug that occurred in 3.5.1. In screenshot 1 I created a few values. I have assigned a few static to these values. but I realized that the first value created, “a”, is displayed on the screen and it works as it should, but when I want to use the value “a” in other steps in server connect, I cannot use it and I cannot get a screen output of this value.

screenshot 1

the output that should be seems wrong.

also . I tried to use the token that I created during the Paypal api connection in another step and the result was the same.
So I think the error is not just about defining value, the problem is in a different place. I would be glad if you give information with a temporary or permanent solution.

I can’t continue my project right now.

@patrick Will there be an early update for this issue?

Please test following file, unzip in dmxConnectLib/lib. (2.1 KB)

thank you so much @patrick … fixed

Any chance you can post a node version @patrick ?

For node, unzip in lib/core. (3.4 KB)


Thanks @patrick

I was hoping that would solve my issue of the Security Provider identity not working, but no luck. Maybe something different? As soon as I take the security provider off, and rely on the Global security provider, my query action is unable to properly lookup a value using the security id in a condition.

If you want to use the security id then you will need the security provider, when using just restrict / login or logout then you can just point it to the global defined provider. You could add it as a global step, select Globals and add the security provider there, it will then be available under all server actions. We are still investigating on how to improve this.


Fixed in Wappler 3.5.2

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