Server Validation Bug - buildRegex is not defined

Trying to server validate with Unicode. I don’t have any other settings.

I get the following error message:

{"status":"500","message":"buildRegex is not defined","stack":"ReferenceError: buildRegex is not defined\n    at App.unicodelettersonly (/lib/validator/unicode.js:451:17)\n    at Object.validateRule (/lib/validator/index.js:93:36)\n    at Object.validateData (/lib/validator/index.js:29:37)\n    at App.validate (/lib/modules/validator.js:9:26)\n    at App._exec (/lib/core/app.js:427:57)\n    at App._exec (/lib/core/app.js:398:28)\n    at App.exec (/lib/core/app.js:367:20)\n    at App.define (/lib/core/app.js:357:20)"}

Should be buildRegex

I fixed this on my Wappler instance, but this should be fixed in your next release.

This has been fixed in Wappler 3.7.5

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