Server Side header and footer includes general build issues

Is there a best practice when building pages and using the server side includes?

I use header and footer includes on all my site pages: This is an across the board issue - when building the header/footer pages… i use heads and body tags and css when building so i can see the layout that will be shown on other pages. Problem is when i do includes on other pages i get multiple heads and body tags as well as titles , etc etc . as they import from the include files.

There has to be a better way.

How do you create those include pages?
Can you share some code?

Your include pages if done properly do not have head and body tags. What server model are you using?

Did you create your include using the includes tool?

yes - i create a php page, build my nav then use the “move to Include File” as shown in your pic
then use the includes on other pages

code from header.php
<!doctype html>

header Include
<div class="container">

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Be sure you are selecting the proper option when moving to include … something tells me you are selecting ‘Content Page’. Be sure to select include file.

Your include file code should start something:

<!-- Wappler include head-page="../index.php" appConnect="local" is="dmx-app" bootstrap5="local" fontawesome_5="cdn" -->

<!doctype html>

header Include
<div class="container">

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      <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark">

        <a class="navbar-brand me-auto ms-auto style1 text-warning" href="index.php" style="font-family: KabelEF-Bold; font-weight: bolder;"><img src="assets/logos/logo_BKJJ_transp.png" loading="lazy" class="img-fluid">&nbsp; BKJJ Martial Arts Club</a>

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never seen that option b4 will try creating the header again.

yes - i create a php page, build my nav then use the “move to Include File” as shown in your pic
then use the includes on other pages

Perhaps you are selecting your whole page and moving that? Be sure to only select the parent tag of the content you want to set up as an include.

that did it - i needed to select only the nav container - much better - thanks

<div class="container">

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that did it - i needed to select only the nav container - much better - thanks

  • thanks Brad
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i needed to select only the nav container - much better - thanks for reply

Brad - just a follow up - seem to have lost my formatting on the header page include file - see screen shot and included code any suggestions what am i missing?

<div class="row">


    <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark">

      <a class="navbar-brand me-auto ms-auto style1 text-warning" href="index.php" style="font-family: KabelEF-Bold; font-weight: bolder;"><img src="assets/logos/logo_BKJJ_transp.png" loading="lazy" class="img-fluid">&nbsp; BKJJ Martial Arts Club</a>

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![Screenshot header page 2023-09-23 063635|690x349](upload://4QUaT7Hyqd2LdjK4ukps4JYkmF2.jpeg)

@Norm something went wrong with your upload… the screenshot is missing

Edit: It’s OK.
Here it is

what is the problem?

If I delete this div and its closing tag, (just a div there without class…)

I see this

What is the desired layout?

Perhaps this?

the header is displaying properly on web pages where in is an include file - the issue is if i am working on the header.php page i do not see the formatting (only on the other pages) - which makes it hard to style or edit directly.

try to switch off the App-Connect mode

nope n change - missing something
initial i changed my move to include from a “content page” to “include file” since it was causing other issues

  1. This is your include php… Right?
    what are the styling options on your body is here?

  2. please share a screenshot of another page that contains the include