Security Provider Users & Permissions Not Showing Dropdown Options

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.22000
  • Wappler Version : 4.4.2

Problem description

I have setup a security provider with “Database” type. When I try to add users and permissions in the latest version of Wappler, on the permissions table, the dropdown option to add table and identity column cannot be made to appear. The same goes for the Conditions table whereby I cannot get the Operator dropdown to appear.

When I click on the cell, it just cycles between selecting the row and deselecting the row. It does not actuate the dropdown for that row.

If I try to manually edit the json file for the security provider using permissions I have copied from a previous project, it does not reflect in the Wappler UI either.

I have confirmed that this functionality does work on my secondary machine running Wappler 4.3.2

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create, or go to an existing security provider
  2. Fill in the left hand side settings with the relevant table and column info
  3. Begin to add permissions on the right hand column by entering the permission name
  4. Click on the cell to the right of where you entered the permissions name to select the table. (Currently it doesn’t bring up the dropdown for me) (70.8 KB)

This will be fixed in today’s update.

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.4.3

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