Security Provider Enforcer not working in 6.0.2

Wappler: 6.0.2
OS: MacOS M1
Server: PHP

I’m just adding this to a page (it’s the first time I’ve added it to a new page in a while) and it’s just not inserting any code at all after completing the dialog.

After restarting Wappler and trying it again, I get all this in the Output in red text:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'fieldsForm') at generateSecurityEnforcerCode (file:///Applications/ at file:///Applications/ at _getSecurityProviderEnforcerCodeRegEx (file:///Applications/ at file:///Applications/ at Object.callback (file:///Applications/ at dmxDWApiBridge.applyCallback (file:///Applications/ at file:///Applications/ at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (node:internal/fs/read_file_context:68:3)

Wappler 6.0.2
Windows 11 Pro

Same issue in one of my old php projects.

This is now fixed in Wappler 6.0.3

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