S3 upload problem on localhost still persists

the problem same as defined here still persists on v4.5.2: V4.5.1 does not resolve the problem of localhost upload to S3

Did you change the development target server type to Wappler local server?

Yes. Did that last time. Verified again, it is wappler server.

And what error are you getting exactly? Could you add a screenshot?

shared full details in a PM (has sensitive content) @George

If you are using the Wappler local server than you can delete your project node_modules.

However if you use your own custom modules, well then you need just the regular NodeJS

If then you can binaries that are not signed by Apple as the errors indicates you have to manually allow them

ok, since we are using custom modules, will continue to use regular NodeJS only.

Will have to figure out how to manually allow binaries to run on Mac!