Remote SSH Terminal missing from 'Terminal' drop-down list

Wappler Version : 6.7.2
Operating System : Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Server Model: Node JS
Hosting Type: Digital Ocean Droplet

Expected behaviour

The Remote SSH Server Terminal should be able to be selected from the 'Terminal' drop-down menu.

Actual behaviour

It is not available to select as is not in the list anymore.

How to reproduce

  • Select Remote Target.
  • Click on the 'Terminal' drop-down.

Screenshot from 2024-07-05 15-07-59

For servers in Resource Manager, the SSH terminal is available there in the context menu

Thank you @George

Found it:

Screenshot from 2024-07-05 15-55-24

Any chance changes like this (to the UI) could be acknowledged in the release change-log to avoid posting false reports like this one?

Well as I said it can be also called from the context menu:


Also it has been in the change logs since 2022 :slight_smile: when we started with the Resource Manager

with many updates and mentions afterwards.

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Ahhhhh I see, well only just got round to using Resource Manager so have a bit of catching up on that side!


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