Refresh repeat on server action load

I think related to this thread…I have a server connect that returns results. I have a repeat-children that displays a sub-set of the results using a few .where() clauses. If the server connect is re-loaded, the repeat-children does not also refresh so the data displayed is incorrect.

Is there a way to call a refresh of a repeat-children directly? Is this a bug?



If the data changes, like when the server connect gets reloaded, then all the places on the page, including the regions that display the data, should refresh automatically.

This is the nature of app connect data - all data refreshes automatically when changed.

If it doesn’t something else must be wrong, or data might not have changed.

Do you have a sample page showing the problem?

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If the children come from a separate query you will have to use a severconnection.load() action on the child table in the dynamic events of whatever triggers the change.

Thanks Brian, it is not a separate query here. George is taking a look at the code for me.

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George and Patrick correctly pointed out the solution which was to add a Unique Key value on the repeat properties.