Hi to all the team and community.
Just wanted to get a response from George or any team member about the PWA support, now that the most recent F7 4.4.0 is released in wappler v2, this feature would be very welcome. At pair with elektron apps support you just released, these would be two killer features.
PWA is indeed a very important feature, that we would like to implement it definitely as soon as possible.
It is however a very large feature that we want to implement really well. There is special offline caching involved, service workers, app states like sleep and awake and so much more.
We want to integrate it not only in the building tools of Wappler but also on the included front-end framework App Connect. So there you can perform actions automatically via service workers on the specific PWA events.
What are the PWA features that you really want to see, so we can make sure we got it all covered?
Hi George
I was asking to implement service worker feature for offline and the manifest file generation.
What technology do you consider to use in order to save the dynamic data in the cache? IndexedDB or are there better solutions?
We are considering Google’s Workbox for better offline and cache integration.
So you can try it out and see if it works for you. There is even a Workbox Wizard for generating the services worker.
We are investingating the best way to integrate it.
This would be a nice addition for sure.
I see quite a few teams moving away from native apps and moving to PWAs instead; depends on your requirements of course.
Hi George
Any progress with PWA implementation?
Hello @mangeo
As soon as we make any progress in this direction, we will post it here in the community, we will also put it in the experimental features in Wappler first and we will notify the users about it in our weekly newsletters.
Thank you Teo
Is there a way to get in touch with George, I would need some help from him?
You can send him a personal message as you can do to any other user in the community.
Click on his profile and click the red Message button.
Thank you. Just to let you know, I asked about PWA one year ago Creating an offline mobile app and George promised it will be shipped quickly, anyway, your work is very promising.
Hi to all the community, just wanted to ask George again if PWA feature will be implemented this year, would be a top selling feature.
George, what do you say? It;s that hard to implement the service worker for offline data/assets caching?
We do our best @mangeo - so much great stuff to add to Wappler! And we are doing it well as you can see on the weekly updates.
About the PWA - is not that bad that it takes a while as Apple is running behind and coming a long with small steps, see:
Ben just published a great video and boilerplate about how to use SPA and PWA in Wappler, you should check it out:
For anyone interested in this, and until Wappler can implement it, there is a manifest generator for PWAs here:
For anyone looking to try it out theres more info on PWAs here:
And a more detailed rundown here:
Hope this helps!.
There are website out there than can generate PWA codes for your web app. I wish there will be feature like PWA builder or generator built in Wappler. I imagine there’d be panel to set up PWA manifest, service worker and other features. Would be great.
Gentle nudge for adding native PWA capabilities within Wappler.
quick update:
https://www.pwabuilder.com/ now lets you create a TWA APK as well. really simple process.
Could we expect a full PWA support with Wappler 4.0?
PWA is a very powerful tool for the web applications we all build. Can we please have this FR looked at again? It seems to have fallen by the wayside.