Problem with access to docker instance of site on Hetzner

I am using a Hetzner server with site hosted in docker container on Hetzner setup through Wappler.

Everything was working amazingly great and then something happened that broke the database connection on the docker instance.

Locally I have docker desktop with node and MariaDB installation. I’ve using Wappler’s DB Manager and applied changes I do to local also to the Hetzner “version”

After recent updates I get an error on trying to login to the Live Hetzner version. I think my link to the db is broken, but I could be wrong.

In the past I developed and tested without docker, but I have had a lot of problems just getting node.js hosting not using docker, so that is why I took this route.

This is the error I get when trying to login to Hetzner docker version:

Screenshot 2022-02-03 at 07.32.31

Please help! I am pulling out the little hair I’ve got.

This is my db setup for Hetzner:

I can access the db remotely using a db client app

The ip address in the error also does not look like any IP address I know of. - it is not the one for my server which is

Maybe i should rather ask, how do you know your Server connect files are pointing to the right db?

There is a big in the last Wappler update when switching to the live target, the db settings aren’t changed automatically.


Will be solved today.

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Fixed in Wappler 4.5.2

@Teodor @George Still getting same error on trying to login on a login page. I save the db locally and copied over to the db init folder. I can access the db remotely and see all tables and rows, but get this error when trying to login as a user:

Did you switch targets at least once and deployed again?

yes, I did switch from dev to hetzner and then back to dev to backup db, killed running instance on hetzner, copied db over to init_db folder of hetzner and redeployed hetzner.

I am at work now and not at my home mac to try again, but the above is what I did this morning.

I saw that I changed the password to my local for some reason in the week. Think I was desperate and thought it could be a solution. Changed it back and now everything is working on remote. Thanks

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