Problem building Android App

To be honest I haven’t actually tried as yet, just personally never really had the need for a real Apple App Store/Google Play Store type of App
I literally just have responsive websites that work and are pretty on mobile devices which is enough for my particular clients needs currently.
To be really honest I do more back end development of dashboards and stuff than anything else, and again they are just normal websites with functionality that are responsive on mobile devices.

So short answer is no, i haven’t gone through an App Build procedure, although i use the terminal through Wappler quite a bit.

George, maybe this is the solution:
To test the problem I used the Mac terminal, positioning myself in the <…/ platforms / android> folder of the project
So I entered the command <gradle build --scan>
The buid continues to the point that it detects the error, but asks to accept no / yes and solves the problem
Maybe Wappler should also process the build this way

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • Where:
    Build file ‘/Users/HD/Studio_Wappler/Test_App/platforms/android/app/build.gradle’ line: 20
  • What went wrong:
    A problem occurred evaluating project ‘:app’.

Failed to apply plugin [id ‘’]
Minimum supported Gradle version is 4.10.1. Current version is 4.8.1. If using the gradle wrapper, try editing the distributionUrl in /Users/HD/Studio_Wappler/Test_App/platforms/android/gradle/wrapper/ to

Nobody answers, nobody has the solution
Is it possible that there is no possibility to solve this problem?
Wappler is therefore unusable for creating Android apps
Maybe this problem is only for those who use MacOS Catalina?

Maybe this can serve?

Hi Marzio,

Actually this is not a Wappler problem but a Cordova configuration problem. Maybe you can check the Cordova github or stackoverflow and post there for solutions.

I also thought that it is a Cordova problem and maybe Catalina , and I am trying to solve it
But I was hoping there was someone as interested in the Wappler community who maybe knows more

Could be a Mac issue as building Apps on Windows works fine after installing the prerequisites required by Android (this can not be done entirely in Wappler, if anyone believes otherwise please show me how?).

The problem is certainly due to Cordova and MacOS Catalina for the failure to verify aapt2
In fact, Android Studio generates the same error when building the Cordova project
It would be necessary to find the system to force the verification but I don’t really know how to do it And I have not found anything on the web that can solve it

I’ve had days of nightmares and roundabouts getting Apps built on Windows. None of it is simple and all of it requires a lot of attention and research, trial and error. Incredibly frustrating. The salary helps with initiative to learn but doesn’t make it any less tedious. We recently started using Electron to consolidate legacy systems in to single applications across Mac, Windows, and Linux. It’s has been a revelation to us. Well worth investigating as a solution. Unfortunately Electron offers no native support for Mobile platforms such as Android at this moment. Still the Clients are happy as the end result is running on all of their primary devices. Sorry I couldn’t help further. I definitely relate to your frustrations though!

I understand and thank you
Currently with Mac for App projects I have problems only with Android, but I hope to solve.

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Hi George
I found something, which can explain the malfunction and perhaps give indications to solve it
In the first video I use Wappler to create an Android platform, and when I build I receive the two errors aapt2

In the second video I open the project in Android Studio and when I launch the build I get two aapt2 errors here, but if I perform the update that is suggested by the program, everything is ok until the emulator works

In the third video in Wappler I launch the build again, with the project modified by Android Studio, and this time it gives me different errors

Maybe we should update:

  • Android Gradle Plugin from version 3.3.0 to version 3.5.3
  • Gradle from version 4.8.1 to version 5.4.1
    But I don’t know how it can be done with Wappler

After several attempts, problem solved.

  1. On the Mac Gradle updated to version 6.0.1

Gradle 6.0.1

Build time: 2019-11-18 20:25:01 UTC
Revision: fad121066a68c4701acd362daf4287a7c309a0f5
Kotlin: 1.3.50
Groovy: 2.5.8
Ant: Apache Ant™ version 1.10.7 compiled on September 1 2019
JVM: 1.8.0_201 (Oracle Corporation 25.201-b09)
OS: Mac OS X 10.15.3 x86_64

  1. In Wappler using find / replace I have replaced throughout the project 4.10.3 with 5.4.1

Now the build works

It’s one of the first things I mentioned here Marzio:

With Android Studio it already worked, while with Wappler it didn’t.
To unlock the situation I had to replace all strings 4.10.3 with 5.4.1 throughout the project (in Wappler)

Am on a Windows box here. Just as much of a pain in the arse. If you need any help when it comes to the data side @ me anytime. I’ve not written that part as until now I don’t think anyone else aside from one or two have us have made it through the preliminary steps. No fault of Wappler though.

Worked in Wappler after following the steps in the installation links in the Gradle update guides. Had to remove a few older remnants but after that and a reboot everything compiled in Wappler, fair bit of under the hood work though, not what I’d term plug and play. Working with certificates was a nightmare. I wrote all that down somewhere…

To conclude:
By creating a new App project on the Android platform (with MacOS Catalina) in order to happily perform the buid, it is necessary to replace the text throughout the project:

  • from 3.3.0 to 3.5.3
  • from 4.10.3 to 5.4.1

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.4.2

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