Postgres: 'View' fields is gone after refresh


I am using wappler version 4.7.1 running on macbook, node.js and postgresql db.

Before updating Wappler to version 4.7.1, I am able to see all the fields for my ‘view’ table from database manager.

However since last update, when I refresh the view. All fields information are gone.

This giving an error when I tried to edit existing server connect api.

The query is running fine from browser. Only in Wappler I cannot list the ‘views’ fields.

Did anyone experience the same as I?

You perhaps have a different active target selected? Make sure your local development target is active.

Hi @mebeingken,

Thank you for quick reply.

local development target is active.

Or perhaps this is not as you meant?

Just make sure it is selected down at the bottom of Wappler. If you have multiple targets the problem you describe can happen when, for example, a production target is selected, but that targets database connection has not been refreshed in Wappler db manager.

I only have 1 target which is development. And it’s always selected.
The issue does not happen until I upgrade to v4.7.0

Seems there is a problem with latest Wappler and updating the Postgres view schema.

Will fix it for the update for tomorrow

Thank you @George @mebeingken for superb support. Always.

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Issue fix with v4.7.2. Thank you