I understand that I will cause a sigh of disappointment from the annoying topic, but the question with friendly deployment node.js applications on any VDS / VPS server remains open.
So far we do not see any solution for deployment on any VDS in Docker Machines.
In the process of finding a solution, many solutions were proposed including CapRover, etc.
After the last update, I got into the settings and saw support for Portainer in Wappler, and remembered about the article Docker API + Portainer API = profit on GitHUB.
Perhaps the Wappler team is moving in this direction and we should expect something similar?
Actually Wappler deploys directly to any VPS thanks to its docker machine integration.
So everything is completely integrated, you just choose any of the supplied VPS cloud providers and off you go.
Yes, its absolutely good for if cloud providers have servers in you country.
For example, in accordance with our federal laws, if we collect personal data, then the server must be located in our country.
After days of torture I was able to see my “hello world” on not in list machines VDS (ubuntu+docker).
Maybe this will help someone:
- You must to enable docker remote API on docker host.
Check in terminal
curl http://localhost:2375/images/json
- You must have Docker Desktop installed and the first target and first deployment must go to your local docker engine.
- Only after that create a new target with a remote docker engine and connect successfully with the remote machine.
And of course in my case i can’t choose from Portainer and Traefik as:
This is only for the lucky ones using the Docker Machine Manager whitelisted hostings.
Are there any good VPS providers in your country that also support docker machine deploys?
@George I will clarify this question preliminarily vscale.io
Looking for a solution to quickly deploy a wappler nodeJS project to any VDS.
Maybe Dokku suitable as an alternative for deployment on Heroku?
I think CapRover is better than Dokku, check: