Popovers - not working with hover

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : 3.0.2
Operating System : Windows 10

Expected behavior

Choosing the ‘hover’ trigger should result in the popover appearing on hover.

Actual behavior

Nothing happens on hover. Choosing ‘click’ as the trigger works as expected.

How to reproduce

Add a popover to a link or button and choose ‘hover’ as the trigger.

As far as I know, this has always been an issue; it’s not related to recent updates. Replacing the contents of dmxBootstrap4Popovers.js with the code below seems to resolve the problem.

dmx.Attribute('bs-popover', 'mounted', function(node, attr) {
    this.$addBinding(attr.value, function(value) {
    	if (value) {
				$(node).popover({content: value, title: function(){ return node.getAttribute('popover-title') || ''}});

A related problem: when adding a popover to an element, the focus is lost, without any changes being made. Repeating the process usually works.

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See Wappler popover "focus" trigger not working?

This has been fixed in Wappler 3.9.4

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